Saturday, February 27, 2016

Species Spotlight- Spotted Mandarin

It is easy to see why the spotted mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus) is sometimes referred to as the psychedelic mandarin.  It's incredible color combinations, small size, and availability make it a fairly common addition to the home aquarium, but it is also one of the species that often doesn't survive past a few weeks after bringing it home.  This isn't because they are disease prone or especially fragile, but rather due to inadequate human care.  In their native western pacific reef habitat, they spend their time continuously foraging for copepods, worms, and other inverts.  Though some individuals can successfully be weaned onto frozen foods, many won't and they are best kept by someone committed to ensuring a sufficient quantity of live copepods.  But if you do your research and provide proper care, this fish is an incredibly interesting addition to a reef system.  Their beauty and habit of "climbing" around the rocks and corals make them fascinating to watch for hours.  

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